Project: Smoke Impacts California Conference
Client: California Air Pollution Control Officers’ Association and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
In recent years, California has been hit hard by a series of fires that destroyed homes and the well-being of hundreds of thousands of people. A primary by-product of the fires has been dangerously bad air pollution affecting people even hundreds of miles away from the fires.
Keough Consulting was brought in to manage coordination and logistics of a two-day remote conference to address smoke impacts from the California wildfires. The agency first worked with the steering committee to set the conference goals, scope, and agenda. Keough Consulting developed content for and managed the conference website, including invitations and registration.
Tracy and her team prepped all 19 speakers and moderators – this included providing technical support for the remote audio/visual needs – and also served as the production manager of the event. Three hundred people attended the event over the two days, and the client was thrilled with the management and outcomes.